David Eugene Dungy


David Eugene Dungy was born on March 6, 1964. He was adopted by his devoted parents Charles and Betty Dungy.
Their unwavering support, guidance, and love were instrumental in shaping the man he became. David carried
their lessons of compassion and resilience throughout his life, honoring their legacy with every act of kindness and
devotion. He was the eldest son of two, Jason Dungy 9 years his junior. They grew up in Columbus Ohio.

He attended Mifflin High School where he excelled in football as a linebacker. He was inducted into the National
Honor Society and graduated with honors. After high school David chose to attend Hampton University. While at
Hampton, during the spring of 1985 he became a member of Gamma Epsilon Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity,
Inc. David held a special place in his heart for his fraternity family, Omega Psi Phi. Within the fraternity he found a
sense of belonging, brotherhood, and lifelong friendships. He graduated from Hampton with honors as well.
Immediately after graduation David moved to Louisville, KY to begin a career in sales where he showcased his
creativity, business acumen, and passion for excellence. While living in Kentucky David met and married Ms. Sarita
Smith. They were married for 5 years.

David developed a passion for entrepreneurship. One of his greatest desires was to create a licensing program for
HBCUs. Over the years he had several business partnerships with his friends JC (Above The Rim), Roderick
Cheatham (Ujamaa Alliance) and Robin Scott (Dungy-Scott Marketing & Consulting). His final ventures were in the
merchandising and financial services industries.

David was a lover of music. The Parliament Funkadelics and Prince were his favorites. He was also a lover of ALL
things related to Black History. He prided himself on being a Black man and worked tirelessly to build and
strengthen his community.

David’s life took a joyous turn in 2018 when had the opportunity to meet his biological daughter, Arielle Moody
and her spouse, Linaldo Donovan-Green. Their reunion brought immeasurable happiness and provided David with
a renewed sense of purpose and family bonds. Despite the physical distance, their connection grew stronger
through shared experiences, exchanged photographs and videos. He welcomed the opportunity to build a
relationship with Arielle and Linaldo, by creating memories together.

David was filled with anticipation and excitement as he awaited the chance to meet his granddaughter, Amelia
Maven Donovan-Green in New York City. He eagerly looked forward to the summer visit in 2023, where he planned
to shower them with love, wisdom, and doting attention. The prospect of being a devoted grandfather brought joy
to David’s life.

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Condolence Messages

  1. AC ..........11.GE.84 ........ADP GE 1985

    “We are wishing you and your family courage and peace during this time of mourning.”

  2. Sherry, your sadness as you prepare to say goodbye to your love one. May God comfort you through his word the Bible and the gift of prayer. Thinking of you all.

  3. Dear Dungy Family and Friends

    My family and I cannot express just how shocked and our deepest condolences for the loss. Today was a day of great celebration with my son turning 41, himself getting hired into a wonderful new job position and his first child on the 3rd of Aug. Today also quickly turned into one of the saddest days of my life. Finding out months later one of your dearest friends in the world has pass away. Our beyond friendship spans more two decades. David and I spoke in early May which the both of us was setting up a first time face to face visit in the Detroit area, during the holiday weekend of the 4th. When I could not reach him, anyone who knows David, there were spans of time which would pass you did not hear from him. There are no words to express just how much he will be missed as he was a kindship which only happens very rarely within a lifetime.

    I kindly ask and request someone from the family email me so I have closure to what took this wonderful person from all of us. David my brother, may you in peace.

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